Evidence-based care helps you make the best treatment decisions and it can revolutionize your practice. Although the care model involves consulting the latest research studies for information about treatment benefits and protocols, it’s about more than simply relying on research studies to make decisions. Your personal experience and input from your patients are also important considerations.
Today, we’re taking a look at four ways evidence-based care can benefit your practice:
1. Improved Outcomes
When you make treatment decisions based only on past experiences, you may overlook important information or evidence regarding the efficacy of your approach. After the administrators at Intermountain Healthcare noticed that many expectant mothers were being induced before 39 weeks for convenience and comfort, they looked at a few research studies.
Inducing labor before 39 weeks resulted in increased problems for newborns, according to study results. Physicians reviewed the evidence compiled from thousands of deliveries in the Intermountain system, and agreed that it was best to perform early inductions only if there was a medical need. After the change was implemented, data showed that newborns were healthier, there were fewer C-sections and medical expenses decreased.
2. Tighter Processes
Making sure patients kept up with a regular blood test schedule or received a recommended specialist examination was more difficult with paper patient records. Since Electronic Health Records (EHR) are a vital part of evidence-based care, physicians no longer have to worry about overlooking small details that can affect outcomes. During each patient visit, the EHR system reminds you to review recent diagnostic tests, medication levels and remind patients about the next steps in their care plans.
3. Improved Time Management
Reviewing research used to mean bringing home stacks of medical journals or spending hours in the evening clicking from website to website. Today, you’ll find research compilations on many journal websites and online summaries of pertinent studies and evidence-based recommendations from TRIP Database, Clinical Evidence, Pub Med and other sources. You can even consult these sources during a patient visit to ensure that you’re aware of the latest information and treatment options.
4. No More Guesswork
In the past, you had to rely on your memory if you were asked which flu season was the busiest or what the average age of onset of Type II diabetes was in your practice. Thanks to EHR, it’s easy to pull statistics and share them with other physicians. Sharing information is essential to the evidence-based care system and gives you an accurate picture of the healthcare needs and challenges in your area.
Evidence-based care offers a tremendous opportunity to enhance your practice. Combining your clinical experience with data obtained from research studies can increase efficiency, improve patient satisfaction and outcomes and ensure that your decisions are based on the most up-to-date information available.
Interested in discovering even more ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your practice? Download our free eBook, Stop the Budget Bleed: How Private-Practice Physicians Can Reduce Spend.