Dermatology clinical support staff may sometimes utilize anesthetic spray for some dermatology procedures, like Gebauer’s Pain Ease® instant topical anesthetic skin refrigerant, on patients who are anxious about painful procedures. Using instant topical anesthetics can help relieve anxiety and enable patients to comfortably tolerate cosmetic and minor dermatological procedures. Pain Ease temporarily controls the pain of needle and minor surgical procedures.
"Relieving pain and procedural anxiety is of the most utmost importance for patient satisfaction. Furthermore, removing pain from the equation allows the physician to perform his or her job much more quickly and efficiently," says Richard A. Weiss, M.D., an oculoplastic surgeon and medical director of Weiss Cosmetic & Laser Procedures, Newport Beach, Calif.
It’s often the initial needle stick that patients fear the most. Used before lidocaine injections or common dermatological injections, Pain Ease provides immediate numbing, unlike lidocaine based topicals, which must be administered at least 30 minutes prior to a procedure. Instant numbing from this anesthetic spray for some dermatology procedures helps eliminate time spent waiting to administer an injection or begin a procedure.
How Anesthetic Refrigerant Spray Provides Immediate Numbing
Anesthetic spray for some dermatology procedures, like Pain Ease, is a versatile tool that can be applied to intact skin, minor open wounds and intact oral mucous membranes. It is also nondrug and can be reapplied as needed.
In a busy practice, providing instant pain relief and compassion without the wait can be particularly beneficial. Pain Ease can be administered by any licensed health care practitioner, without the order of a physician.
Patients want and expect compassion from those who treat and care for their skin. Effective pain management can be achieved by administering anesthetic spray for some dermatology procedures, which can provide comfort and satisfaction for patients undergoing certain dermatological procedures and helps clinical support staff provide better care for their patients.
Click here to see Pain Ease instantly control I&D of Abscess pain.
Pain Ease is a topical anesthetic skin refrigerant that helps nurses provide a better quality of care by improving patient comfort. Learn more about Pain Ease and where it can be purchased.